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Confirm and reject projects

✅ When a Creative receives a request for a shoot, it is natural to wonder if accepting the request means that the job is confirmed. We are happy to clarify that accepting a request for a shooting is indeed considered confirmation of the job. The Creatives acceptance indicates their availability and willingness to work on that specific project, which is why it is considered confirmation.


⛔️ However, we understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances may arise, and the talent may need to cancel their availability for the shoot. In such cases, the talent can enter the event and click "reject." This will notify the client that the talent is no longer available for the shoot.


📃 We take these types of cancellations seriously and have regulations in place to ensure that both the talent and the client understand the consequences of last-minute cancellations. All relevant regulations can be found in the Terms and Conditions (T&C) that the talent must read and sign to complete their registration on the platform.


We hope this information clarifies any doubts you may have had about confirming a job request and cancelling availability. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

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