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Create a shoot event

When a Company member decides to create a shoot, they can efficiently manage the process using the “Your Events” section in Setflow . This feature is crucial for smooth and effective coordination of all aspects of the shoot.

Through the button “Create event” you’ll be able to book a new shoot.

Notion image

Creating an event

  1. Insert the Title of your event (an ID code or internal reference you may have)
  1. Select the category, for example Real estate
  1. Add the Address and size of the property in square meters
  1. Select the Service type for the event you are booking
  1. Select from Style Guide the desired package of photos for your shoot
  1. Select the Date and Time of the event
  1. Add the Reference name and contact number for the creative
  1. Add any other necessary information in the description box (optional)

At this stage, your event is booked, and your Company Admin will handle assigning a Creative to the project. You can always monitor the event's status and use the comment box in the event’s dedicated workspace to exchange information and documents with your team. This workspace remains active until the event is closed, following the successful delivery of all requested materials to your company.

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